spotify featured curators

It’s no secret that most of the popular Spotify playlists are curated by Spotify, even if some labels, brands and influencers have managed to build followings for their playlists on the service too. Now the company has announced an initiative called ‘Featured Curators’ that promises to send more traffic the way of playlists “curated by select Spotify users and influencers”.

Described as a “limited-time test” it will promote some of these playlists within its app, including on the homepage. “The curators we selected are music lovers with established followings and popular playlists on Spotify, or they’re users telling unique stories through playlists and creating authentic connections with other users,” is how Spotify described its selection process.

The words ‘pilot’ and ‘test’ are mentioned so much in the brief blog post, which may be a sign that Spotify is alive to the potential for grumbling by labels who, understandably, may prefer their own collections to be first in line if Spotify has a new appetite for promoting third-party playlists.

Back in 2017, the company formalised a process for major and independent labels to pitch for slots in the Browse section of its service.

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