CRTC Decision Will Worsen Affordability Crisis



CRTC Decision Will Worsen Affordability Crisis

Ottawa, June 4, 2024 –

Graham Davies, President and CEO of the Digital Media Association (DiMA), representing Amazon Music, Apple Music and Spotify, today made the statement below, following the CRTC decision regarding initial base contributions for online streaming service providers.

“We are deeply concerned with today’s decision to impose a discriminatory tax on music streaming services that are already making significant contributions to Canadian artists and culture.

Streaming is the main source of revenue and engine of growth for music in Canada, benefiting the industry, creators, fans and consumers. And this is effectively a protectionist subsidy for radio.

As Canada’s affordability crisis remains a significant challenge, the government needs to avoid adding to this burden. This is especially true for younger Canadians who are the predominant users of audio streaming services.

Ignoring streaming’s existing support and growth of new Canadian music is massively disappointing, and runs counter to Canada’s wider interests.

We will be carefully reviewing today’s decision with our members in order to plan next steps accordingly.”


About Digital Media Association (DiMA):

DiMA is the global voice of music streaming advocating for the digital music innovations that have created unparalleled consumer choice and revolutionized the way music fans and artists connect. Representing the world’s leading music streaming companies and streaming innovators – Amazon, Apple Music, Feed.FM, Pandora, Spotify, YouTube – DiMA’s mission is to promote and protect the ability of music fans to engage with creative content whenever and wherever they want and for artists to more easily reach old fans and make new ones.