DiMA Statement on NMPA Legislative Proposal


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DiMA Statement on NMPA Legislative Proposal

Washington, D.C. (May 21, 2024) – “The music industry as a whole, particularly publishers, songwriters, and streaming services, depend on the Section 115 blanket license, established by the Music Modernization Act (MMA), to operate. It is disappointing that the NMPA would propose dismantling the MMA in this way. The statutory blanket license is essential to the Music Modernization Act’s very structure. Without it — and crucially, the blanket coverage that it provides — the MMA falls apart and the industry will revert to the inefficient and fragmented licensing regime that existed before the MMA became law. The MMA was necessary when it was signed into law, and today, underpins the mechanical licensing system. DiMA remains committed to the MMA – a landmark piece of legislation that was supported by every corner of the music industry and passed both chambers of Congress unanimously just over five years ago.” – Graham Davies, President and CEO, DiMA


About Digital Media Association (DiMA):

DiMA is the global voice of music streaming advocating for the digital music innovations that have created unparalleled consumer choice and revolutionized the way music fans and artists connect. Representing the world’s leading music streaming companies and streaming innovators – Amazon, Apple Music, Feed.FM, Pandora, Spotify, YouTube – DiMA’s mission is to promote and protect the ability of music fans to engage with creative content whenever and wherever they want and for artists to more easily reach old fans and make new ones. www.DiMA.org