DIMA Statement on Court’s “Eight Mile Style” Decision


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DIMA Statement on Court’s “Eight Mile Style” Decision

Graham Davies, President and CEO of the Digital Media Association (DIMA) today released the the following statement:

“We are pleased at the Court’s decision in the Eight Mile Style case. The licensing system for digital streaming is working well for all stakeholders after the passage of the Music Modernization Act, a law that we continue to vocally support for the many improvements it has made. DIMA’s members will continue to play a crucial role in growing the industry for all.”

About DIMA
DIMA is the voice of music streaming advocating for the digital music innovations that have created unparalleled consumer choice and revolutionized the way music fans and artists connect. Representing the world’s leading music streaming companies and streaming innovators DIMA’s mission is to promote and protect the ability of music fans to engage with creative content whenever and wherever they want and for artists to more easily reach old fans and make new ones.  www.DIMA.org