A Message from our CEO
This May, DiMA took our advocacy on the road, focusing on the need for the music industry to collectively improve its data collection and management processes. Our first stop was the 2022 Music Biz conference in Nashville, where I was proud to co-lead an introduction to Credits Due, an initiative led by Ivors Academy and the Music Rights Awareness Foundation, and supported by DiMA, to ensure complete and accurate song metadata is attached to recordings.
We continued our efforts at Music Biz 2022 with a super session on Royalty Flows and Data Challenges, bringing leaders from across the music industry together for a conversation on shared data challenges and the need to work together to solve this problem. After getting some hot chicken and finishing up in Nashville, I headed to the UK to participate in the first official Credits Due workshop, which featured an immersive dialogue between amazing songwriters like Fiona Bevan, Rationale and Steph Marziano and representatives from industry. I also bought some new hats and took lots of pictures of Big Ben for my kids!
Solving these data challenges requires collective action, and we’re committed to working collaboratively across industry to drive solutions. Finally, we also celebrated AANHPI heritage month with the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), who helped us curate a playlist of incredible music to check out on your favorite streaming service!
– Garrett Levin
CEO, Digital Media Association
@garrettlevin | @digitalmediausa